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The operator API is a framework for you to implement. The implemented operator will be managed by dora. This framework enable us to make optimisation and provide advanced features.

The operator definition is composed of 3 functions, dora_init_operator that initialise the operator and its context. dora_drop_operator that free the memory, and dora_on_event that action the logic of the operator on receiving an input.

#include "../../apis/c/operator/operator_api.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

DoraInitResult_t dora_init_operator(void)
void *context = malloc(1);
char *context_char = (char *)context;
*context_char = 0;

DoraInitResult_t result = {.operator_context = context};
return result;

DoraResult_t dora_drop_operator(void *operator_context)

DoraResult_t result = {};
return result;

OnEventResult_t dora_on_event(
const RawEvent_t *event,
const SendOutput_t *send_output,
void *operator_context)

Try it out!

  • Create an operator.c file:
#include "../../apis/c/operator/operator_api.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

DoraInitResult_t dora_init_operator(void)
void *context = malloc(1);
char *context_char = (char *)context;
*context_char = 0;

DoraInitResult_t result = {.operator_context = context};
return result;

DoraResult_t dora_drop_operator(void *operator_context)

DoraResult_t result = {};
return result;

OnEventResult_t dora_on_event(
const RawEvent_t *event,
const SendOutput_t *send_output,
void *operator_context)
char *counter = (char *)operator_context;

if (event->input != NULL)
// input event
Input_t *input = event->input;

char id[input->id.len + 1];
memcpy(id, input->id.ptr, input->id.len);
id[input->id.len] = 0;

if (strcmp(id, "message") == 0)
char data[input->data.len + 1];
memcpy(data, input->data.ptr, input->data.len);
data[input->data.len] = 0;

*counter += 1;
printf("C operator received message `%s`, counter: %i\n", data, *counter);

char *out_id = "counter";
char *out_id_heap = strdup(out_id);

int data_alloc_size = 100;
char *out_data = (char *)malloc(data_alloc_size);
int count = snprintf(out_data, data_alloc_size, "The current counter value is %d", *counter);
assert(count >= 0 && count < 100);

Output_t output = {.id = {
.ptr = (uint8_t *)out_id_heap,
.len = strlen(out_id_heap),
.cap = strlen(out_id_heap) + 1,
.data = {.ptr = (uint8_t *)out_data, .len = strlen(out_data), .cap = data_alloc_size}};
DoraResult_t res = (send_output->>send_output.env_ptr, output);

OnEventResult_t result = {.result = res, .status = DORA_STATUS_CONTINUE};
return result;
printf("C operator received unexpected input %s, context: %i\n", id, *counter);
if (event->stop)
printf("C operator received stop event\n");

OnEventResult_t result = {.status = DORA_STATUS_CONTINUE};
return result;

Build the operator:

  • Compile the operator.c file into a shared library.

    • For example, use the following commands:
      clang -c operator.c -o build/operator.o -fdeclspec -fPIC
      clang -shared build/operator.o -o build/
      Omit the -fPIC argument on Windows. Replace the name with the shared library standard library prefix/extensions used on your OS, e.g. .dll on Windows.
  • Link it in your graph as:

  - id: runtime-node
- id: c_operator
shared-library: build/operator
message: c_node/message
- counter

Custom Node

The custom node API allow you to integrate dora into your application. It allows you to retrieve input and send output in any fashion you want.


init_dora_context_from_env initiate a node from environment variables set by dora-coordinator

void *dora_context = init_dora_context_from_env();


dora_next_event waits for the next event (e.g. an input). Use read_dora_event_type to read the event's type. Inputs are of type DoraEventType_Input. To extract the ID and data of an input event, use read_dora_input_id and read_dora_input_data on the returned pointer. It is safe to ignore any events and handle only the events that are relevant to the node.

void *input = dora_next_input(dora_context);

// read out the ID as a UTF8-encoded string
char *id;
size_t id_len;
read_dora_input_id(input, &id, &id_len);

// read out the data as a byte array
char *data;
size_t data_len;
read_dora_input_data(input, &data, &data_len);


dora_send_output send data from the node.

char out_id[] = "tick";
char out_data[50];
dora_send_output(dora_context, out_id, strlen(out_id), out_data, out_data_len);

Try it out!

  • Create an node.c file:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "../../apis/c/node/node_api.h"

// sleep
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main()
printf("[c node] Hello World\n");

void *dora_context = init_dora_context_from_env();
if (dora_context == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "failed to init dora context\n");
return -1;

printf("[c node] dora context initialized\n");

for (char i = 0; i < 100; i++)
void *event = dora_next_event(dora_context);
if (event == NULL)
printf("[c node] ERROR: unexpected end of event\n");
return -1;

enum DoraEventType ty = read_dora_event_type(event);

if (ty == DoraEventType_Input)
char *data;
size_t data_len;
read_dora_input_data(event, &data, &data_len);

assert(data_len == 0);

char out_id[] = "message";
char out_data[50];
int out_data_len = sprintf(out_data, "loop iteration %d", i);

dora_send_output(dora_context, out_id, strlen(out_id), out_data, out_data_len);
else if (ty == DoraEventType_Stop)
printf("[c node] received stop event\n");
printf("[c node] received unexpected event: %d\n", ty);


printf("[c node] received 10 events\n");


printf("[c node] finished successfully\n");

return 0;

Build the custom nodes:

  • Create a build folder in this directory (i.e., next to the node.c file)

  • Compile the dora-node-api-c crate into a static library.

    • Run cargo build -p dora-node-api-c --release
    • The resulting staticlib is then available under ../../target/release/libdora-node-api-c.a.
  • Compile the node.c (e.g. using clang) and link the staticlib

    • For example, use the following command:
      clang node.c <FLAGS> -ldora_node_api_c -L ../../target/release --output build/c_node
    • The <FLAGS> depend on the operating system and the libraries that the C node uses. The following flags are required for each OS:
      • Linux: -lm -lrt -ldl -pthread
      • macOS: -framework CoreServices -framework Security -l System -l resolv -l pthread -l c -l m
      • Windows:
        -ladvapi32 -luserenv -lkernel32 -lws2_32 -lbcrypt -lncrypt -lschannel -lntdll -liphlpapi
        -lcfgmgr32 -lcredui -lcrypt32 -lcryptnet -lfwpuclnt -lgdi32 -lmsimg32 -lmswsock -lole32
        -lopengl32 -lsecur32 -lshell32 -lsynchronization -luser32 -lwinspool
        -Wl,-nodefaultlib:libcmt -D_DLL -lmsvcrt
        Also: On Windows, the output file should have an .exe extension: --output build/c_node.exe
  • Repeat the previous step for the sink.c executable

  • Link it in your graph as:

  - id: c_sink
source: build/c_sink
counter: runtime-node/c_operator/counter