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Python API


The operator API is a framework for you to implement. The implemented operator will be managed by dora. This framework enable us to make optimisation and provide advanced features. It is the recommended way of using dora.

An operator requires an on_event method and requires to return a DoraStatus , depending of it needs to continue or stop.


There is currently 4 event types that the on_event method receives:

  • STOP: meaning that the operator was signalled to stop.
  • INPUT: meannig that an input was received.
    • You can use dora_event['id'], to get the id.
    • You can use dora_event['data'], to get the data as bytes.
    • You can use dora_event['value'], to get the data as arrow array.
    • You can use dora_event['metadata'], to get the metadata.
  • INPUT_CLOSED: meannig that an input source was closed. This could be useful if the input is critical for the well behaviour of the operator.
  • ERROR: meaning that error message was received.
  • UNKNOWN: meaning that an unknown message was received.


To send an output from the operator, use send_output: Callable[[str, bytes | pa.Array, dict], None] input method:

  • the first argument is the output_id as defined in your dataflow.
  • the second argument is the data as either bytes or pyarrow.Array for zero copy.
  • the third argument is dora metadata if you want ot link the tracing from one input into an output. e.g.: send_output("bbox", pa.array([100], type=pa.uint8()), dora_event["metadata"])


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
import pyarrow as pa

from dora import DoraStatus
from ultralytics import YOLO



class Operator:
Infering object from images

def __init__(self):
self.model = YOLO("")

def on_event(
) -> DoraStatus:
"""Handle image
dora_input (dict) containing the "id", value, and "metadata"
send_output Callable[[str, bytes | pa.Array, Optional[dict]], None]:
Function for sending output to the dataflow:
- First argument is the `output_id`
- Second argument is the data as either bytes or `pa.Array`
- Third argument is dora metadata dict
e.g.: `send_output("bbox", pa.array([100], type=pa.uint8()), dora_event["metadata"])`
if dora_event["type"] == "INPUT":

frame = dora_input["value"].to_numpy().reshape((CAMERA_HEIGHT, CAMERA_WIDTH, 3))
frame = frame[:, :, ::-1] # OpenCV image (BGR to RGB)
results = self.model(frame) # includes NMS
# Process results
boxes = np.array(results[0].boxes.xyxy.cpu())
conf = np.array(results[0].boxes.conf.cpu())
label = np.array(results[0].boxes.cls.cpu())
# concatenate them together
arrays = np.concatenate((boxes, conf[:, None], label[:, None]), axis=1)

send_output("bbox", pa.array(arrays.ravel()), dora_input["metadata"])
return DoraStatus.CONTINUE

For Python, we recommend to allocate the operator on a single runtime. A runtime will share the same GIL with several operators making those operators run almost sequentially. See:

Custom Node


The custom node API lets you integrate dora into your application. It allows you to retrieve input and send output in any fashion you want.

Use with:

from dora import Node

node = Node()


.next() gives you the next input that the node has received. It blocks until the next event becomes available. It will return None when all senders has been dropped.

event =

You can also iterate over the event stream with a loop

for event in node:
match event["type"]:
case "INPUT":
match event["id"]:
case "image":

.send_output(output_id, data, metadata)

send_output send data from the node.

output_id: str,
data: Bytes|Arrow,
metadata: Option[Dict],
node.send_output("string", b"string", {"open_telemetry_context": "7632e76"})


Returns the full dataflow descriptor that this node is part of.

This method returns the parsed dataflow YAML file.


Returns the current version of dora python API.

This command will show the current version of dora.